I have been a spiritual teacher and life coach for over thirty years. I was fortunate to meet a spiritual teacher at age eighteen and study with him for ten years before his passing. Long before it became popular to post high-jacked affirmations on Facebook and Instagram, I was hearing these truths from people who lived them. I was blessed to study with, and eventually share the stage with great spiritual teachers like Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Barbra Marx-Hubbard and Marianne Williamson. And despite knowing spiritual principles and the laws of life success, I was struggling like hell after a divorce and a series of life challenges that were kicking my ass.
In November of 2019, I went on a seven-day retreat in Central America specifically designed for soul healing. Let me explain what I mean, because personal development work and soul healing work are different. Personal development work is seeking to grow by setting and achieving goals outside your comfort zone. It is excellent and worthy work that I believe is important for everyone. It’s what I help people do as a life coach. Personal development invariably awakens one’s spiritual eyes, and then the need, and the value of soul work becomes apparent.
Soul work is consciously seeking to identify, own and heal recurring patterns of dark thinking, stemming from unresolved negativity. It focuses on seeing, accepting and…